Fiction Awards:
2017 Ellen Levine prize for fiction (awarded for a novel-in-progress)
2015 Brighthorse Prize in Short Fiction (book prize)
2012 Arts & Letters Prize for Fiction
2012 Writers at Work Fiction Fellowship
2011 New Letters Prize for Fiction
2011 Charles Johnson Award for Fiction
Finalist for 2014 Flannery O'Connor Award
2nd prize/ Runner-up for 2015 Ohio State Book Prize, 2014 Hudson Review contest, 2014 Missouri Review Editor's Prize, 2005 Zoetrope All-Story fiction contest
Honorable Mentions for 2014 Lorian Hemingway contest and 2012 AWP 'Intro Journals' Award.
Finalist for 2014 Danahy fiction award, 2012 Crazyhorse prize, 2012 Indiana Review prize, 2012 Tennessee Williams fiction contest, and many more.
Nominated (3 times) for Pushcart prize.
Spells for Victory and Courage. (Brighthorse Books, 2016).
"Crossroads of America." The Georgia Review, Winter, 2016.
"Leah, Lamb." The Hudson Review, Summer, 2016.
"Fun with Color." The Tampa Review, Fall, 2014.
"Vaquero." Prairie Schooner, Fall, 2014.
"Cousin." Mid-American Review, Spring, 2014.
"Jester." Crazyhorse, Fall, 2013.
"Monsters of the Deep." Arts & Letters, Spring, 2013.
"Fourteen Tips for Selling Real Estate." Quarterly West, Winter, 2013.
"Covenants." Indiana Review, Summer, 2012.
"Schooling." New Letters, Spring, 2012.
"Canoe." Crab Orchard Review, Winter, 2012.
"After School." New South, Summer, 2011.
Awards & Publications
Art by Jack Metcalf, inspired by Dana Fitz Gale's story, "Canoe."
To see more of Metcalf's work, visit his website.